Nestlé has launched two new fortified milks in Brazil that it claims will help parents to increase the iron and vitamin content of children’s diets, as the firm rides regional interest in added-value dairy.
Probiotic bacteria consumed in a yogurt may not change the host’s gut populations, but they do influence carbohydrate metabolism by the resident microbes, according to an ‘elegant’ new study using identical twins and germ-free mice.
Fonterra says it fears it will lose around NZ $20m of milk a day after it was forced to close 15 of its 17 processing sites on North Island, following a break in a gas pipeline on Monday that led to operator Vector requesting that businesses do not use...
A new US study has found ‘little evidence’ to support previously reported research suggesting that an increased intake of calcium from either calcium carbonate or dairy sources assists in weight loss or weight management.
Growing demand for infant nutrition products in the Asian region have spurred Dutch dairy group FrieslandCampina Domo to splash €130m to upgrade two of its plants with completion expected by November 2013.
Mothers who consume low-fat yogurt products during pregnancy may give birth to children with a higher risk of developing allergies such as asthma and hay fever, a study has found.
Calcium supplements or dairy do not promote fat loss in overweight teens, suggests a new clinical trial, but a leading expert has challenged the interpretation of the data and says there is evidence to support the link.
An International Dairy Federation taskforce has updated a 2002 inventory of safe microbial species including some probiotic species – from 112 to 221 – a list the group hopes will allow exemption from EU Novel Foods and US New Dietary Ingredient (NDI)...
Dutch dairy company Friesland Campina (FC) has refreshed its packaging for low-fat cheese brand Milner, in an attempt to develop a consistent brand image.
A spa hotel in Germany is specializing in cow milk for a number of masks, creams and treatments claiming that these products have a regulating and regenerative effect on the skin.
Indian awareness of lactose intolerance is growing rapidly, leading consumers to seek reduced reduced lactose and lactose-free products without compromising on taste, according to a Novozymes South Asia executive.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has rejected a peptide-blood pressure health claim submitted by Finnish dairy group, Valio, saying the dossier containing 21 intervention studies failed to demonstrate an effect.
The European Commission (EC) has surrendered consumer production to business gain in discussions ahead of a key meeting today on revising the EC directive on baby milks and foods.
The European Commission’s directorate for health and consumer affairs, DG Sanco, has said it is close to finalising the 2758 claim-strong list of generic claims for publication in the European Union register of claims.
Increased intake of dietary potassium sources such as dairy foods, fruit and vegetables can reduce one’s risk of suffering a stroke, according to a new study by scientists in Sweden.
Regular consumption of dairy-based probiotic formulations are associated with a 20% reduction in the risk of pre-eclampsia, suggests new data from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.
Britain’s Biocatalysts has released a new lactase product suitable for use in Kosher and Halal applications, thereby offering opportunities for new development in dairy.
The European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) health claims panel says there are no grounds for it to alter its rejection of a claim that sought to link probiotic cheese consumption and healthy blood pressure.
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) will continue a 15-year collaborative period with Australian food company Clover Corporation, by engaging in a new initiative to develop encapsulation techniques for infant and medical...
“Keeping it simple and straightforward” is the takeaway message from a new report targeting yoghurt makers in search of health claim success within the European Union’s strict new claims regime.
After several years and several “dialogues” with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Japanese supplier Kaneka has won a positive Novel Foods opinion for its weight management liquorice extract.
Increased blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids from plant or marine sources are associated with reduced risk of type-2 diabetes, according to three new studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Supplements of whey protein, but not soy protein, may improve body weight without restricting energy intakes or habitual diets in obese and overweight adults, suggests a new study by scientists from the US Department of Agriculture.
The next generation of weight management ingredients will contain a “cocktail of components” that address multiple factors around hunger and reward, according to the boss of Food for Health Ireland (FHI).
The newly renamed Natural Colors Division was the star performer in Danish ingredients supplier Chr Hansen’s Q3 results, showing 34% organic sales growth for the quarter, compared to 5% for Cultures and Enzymes, and 9% for Health and Nutrition.
The European Food Safety Authority last week delivered the fifth batch of article 13, general function health claim opinions bringing the total issued to 2723. There are just 35 to go – to be published next month in a final mini-batch that will conclude...
Against the backdrop of a difficult financial climate and more stringent health claims regulation, the dairy industry is taking a coordinated approach to nutrition and health research with the formation of a global research consortium.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) health claims panel says there are no grounds for alteration of its rejection last year of probiotic health claim dossiers submitted by Danone and Yakult.
Yoghurts and milks made with heart health ingredients are filling up chilled cabinets but high launch numbers are failing to translate into healthy sales growth, according to Leatherhead.
The addition of whey protein may boost the textural properties of low-fat yoghurt to levels comparable with its full-fat counterpart, according to new research.
Nestlé says its infant and follow-on formula marketing policies are compliant with international guidelines, after the food giant was criticised by a baby milk lobby group.
The International Dairy Federation (IDF) is supporting research into camel, buffalo and other unusual dairy products as they slowly eat into the cow-held monopoly of the global market.
Spanish and British probiotics companies are driving funds into strain and product-specific studies as they attempt to build scientific backing that will survive in the European Union health claims clampdown.
New research suggests the consumption of dairy products could reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome (MetS), a heart condition which encompasses disorders such as type 2 diabetes.
French dairy Danone has built on its 2010 joint venture with Australian co-op Murray Goulburn by belatedly launching its €4bn global selling probiotic yoghurt Activia on the market there.
Milk fermented with Lactobacillus casei may help to alleviate fever caused by norovirus gastroenteritis by correcting imbalances of intestinal microflora, according to a new study.
British Labour Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Glenis Willmott, is writing to the European Commission to block a DHA eye development claim being used on infant follow-on formula products, after the EP last week failed to veto the claim.
Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have today narrowly rejected a motion to prohibit a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and European Commission (EC)-approved DHA omega-3 eye health claim on breast milk substitute products.
Just as with the 2006 nutrition and health claim regulation (NHCR) itself, next week's European Parliament (EP) vote on whether to allow products aimed at 6-12 month old infants to bear omega-3 DHA-related eye development claims promises to be highly...
The late move by a European Parliament committee to block the addition of DHA omega-3 claims to baby milk products across the EU bloc, would be a triumph of politics over science, a medical practitioner in the area has written.
Whole food guidelines should be used to explain the role of saturated fat in heart disease risk, says a global expert panel assessing the evidence linking saturated fat with cardiovascular disease.