CSL launches Florganic probiotics

By Jim Cornall

- Last updated on GMT

CSL Centro Sperimentale Del Latte in Italy is launching Florganic Probiotics, a certified organic product range. Pic: Sacco System
CSL Centro Sperimentale Del Latte in Italy is launching Florganic Probiotics, a certified organic product range. Pic: Sacco System

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To support consumers looking for a more natural lifestyle, CSL Centro Sperimentale Del Latte in Italy is launching Florganic Probiotics, a certified organic product range.

CSL Centro Sperimentale Del Latte has more than 70 years of probiotic research, discovery and innovation experience, and the company said Florganic Probiotics will help its clients develop new products.

“Caring for families with our commitment to Innovation, Research and Development form the core of our business goals,”​ John Goebel, CEO of CSL Centro Sperimentale Del Latte Asia Pacific said.

“We continue to meet consumer, client and industry needs with developments like our Florganic Probiotics range. We see a rising consumer awareness and demand on probiotics across the globe and organic foods are reported to be the third-largest health claim globally. It is time to introduce our Florganic Probiotics which can now enable our client’s brands to expand their healthier options in various products such as infant formula, milk powder, nutritional supplements, yoghurt, chocolate etc.”    

Florganic​Probiotics offers Lactobacillus​ strains, such a Synbio blend, Lactobacillus rhamnosus​ CRL1505 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus ​SP 1. The company said these strains are backed by science with numerous clinical studies in immune health, gut health, oral health, skin health, respiratory health and sports health.

It also has a Bifidobacteria strain, Bifidobacterium animalis​ subsp. lactic BLC1.

Marco Caspani, head of the health and nutrition business unit, said the company has also launched a new website, probiotics.saccosystem.com, to make Sacco System probiotics more accessible. Sacco System is the group of four companies that includes CSL Centro Sperimentale Del Latte.

Caspani said the new site is an interactive platform, optimized for mobile navigation, and containing scientific information, but in a more engaging way.

“We want to test our users with the quiz section, we have included a fun facts section to discover curiosities about the world of probiotics, we have created motion graphic videos to promote and explain in a simple way the production process, the finished product, and the different applications of our probiotics,” ​he said.

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