Unilever targets new categories with health brand

Related tags Nutrition

Unilever Bestfoods is to extend its Flora Pro-Activ brand into
yoghurt and milk in an attempt to meet consumers' growing demand
for health-driven food products.

Unilever Bestfoods is to extend its Flora Pro-Activ brand into yoghurt and milk in an attempt to meet consumers' growing demand for health-driven food products.

The leading fast moving consumer goods company intends to use Pro-Activ's premium health positioning to challenge rival Benecol's presence across a range of food categories.

A launch timetable has yet to be finalised, but it is understood that Unilever is talking to agencies about brand positioning and communications.

"Not everyone with raised cholesterol uses spreads. Therefore there is a need to offer consumers who are trying to lower their cholesterol a wider choice of healthy everyday products,"​said a Unilever Bestfoods spokeswoman.

Flora Pro-Activ was launched in Europe two years ago. Parent brand Flora has seen sales grow by 15.3 per cent in the past year.

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