Arla UK ‘well on track’ to deliver 500m litre milk supply increase
The dairy processor expects to purchase an additional 100m litres from new members by January 2013, and fully anticipates that its its new milk sourcing and pricing model will attract more suppliers and more milk.
Earlier this week, Arla UK announced the launch of its new sourcing model and confirmed plans for a 2.5 pence per litre (ppl) increase in the price it pays to its suppliers for raw milk.
Arla UK expects this week's announcement will prove attractive to potential new Arla Foods Milk Partnership (AFMP) members.
AFMP currently has around 1,400 members supplying approximately 1.6bn litres of milk per year to Arla Foods.
“As the launch of the new milk sourcing model demonstrate, Arla is a processor in which farmers can have confidence, knowing that they not only have a secure home for every litre of milk they produce, but that their processor is genuinely committed to working with a true cooperative mindset,” said AFMP chairman Jonathan Ovens.