Pack2Go Europe quality trademark to go live in two months

By Jenny Eagle

- Last updated on GMT

The Pack2Go Europe quality trademark. Photo: Pack2Go Europe.
The Pack2Go Europe quality trademark. Photo: Pack2Go Europe.
Pack2Go Europe has launched a quality trademark to use on products with an associated logo and label.

The first trademark licenses, registered in Europe, will go live in the autumn, where the quality mark and label will start appearing on products soon. 

'Setting the bar high'


Mike Turner, Graphic Packaging International Foodservice Europe and president, Pack2Go Europe, said it is setting the bar high to protect European consumers. 

Not all companies out there match up to these levels of quality and performance. So we call on distributors and users of service packaging to take this scheme as the point of reference for sourcing good products by really good companies,​” he said. 

The scheme is available to companies that: commit to abiding by the Pack2Go Europe Guiding Principles​; meet Pack2Go Europe Minimum Performance Requirements​; commit to meeting all EU and national legislative requirements on product quality and report annually their performance against a range of indicators covering environmental performance, social commitments, ethics and supply chain integrity.  

Pack2Go Europe partnered with EcoVadis last year to provide each of its companies with an independently assessed sustainability rating and generate an average Pack2Go Europe score. 

Its CSR ratings and scorecards are used by procurement teams to monitor environmental, social and ethical risks across 150 purchasing categories and 110 countries.

Nestlé & Heineken

Pack2Go Europe members include: ​AR Packaging; Intraplás; Amhil Europa; ISAP Packaging; Burrows Netherlands; MatrixPack; C.E.E. R. Schisler; Medac; Dart Products Europe; Metsa Board; Depa Disposables; Nupik Internacional; Dopla; Paper Machinery Corporation; Flo; Seda Group; Graphic Packaging International Foodservice; Smith Anderson Group; Stora Enso; Huhtamäki Oyj; SwissPrimePack; ILIP

Over 175 industry leaders such as Nestlé, GSK, Heineken, Michelin, Johnson & Johnson, Schneider Electric, Salesforce, L'Oréal, BASF, JLL, and Subway use EcoVadis to reduce risk, drive innovation and foster transparency and trust among over 35,000 trading partners. 

By committing to and holding their members accountable to higher standards for quality, sustainability and safety, Pack2Go Europe has created a terrific model that other industries can follow​,” said Pierre-Francois Thaler, co-CEO, EcoVadis. 

The sectoral score and average ratings will act as a strong benchmark for continued CSR and sustainability performance improvements​.” 

Pack2Go Europe is a European association representing the food & beverage service and convenience packaging manufacturers who provide single use packaging such as cups, pre-formed containers and enclosures, and clamshells.

The Association keeps close ties with its US sister association, the Foodservice Packaging Institute. 

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