Müller joins dao.eu dairy marketplace

Nuimarkets.com launched the DAO.EU marketplace in July 2017.

Müller Milk & Ingredients will be offering some of its UK origin bulk dairy ingredients products (predominantly cream and butter) on the dao.eu marketplace on a regular basis from March 2, 2020.

Bulk cream will be offered in sterling, while bulk butter will be offered in euros and/or sterling.

Sean Whitfield, commercial director – Ingredients, Müller Milk & Ingredients, said, “An important element of Müller Milk & Ingredients business is that every product we make should be sold for a sustainable profit.

“Sales tools and platforms like DAO.EU enable this by providing a reliable auction platform on which to reach new customers in new geographic markets in an efficient and cost effective way, so that we can continue to focus on delivering industry leading levels of quality and service.”

DAO.EU is a real-time digital brokerage marketplace enabling direct trading of European dairy commodities.

The current 72 members use the marketplace as an anonymous tool to source or sell dairy commodities.

Generic product specifications are attached to the available products. Each member can choose upfront the counterparties they prefer to trade with. All the bids, offers and market trade notifications are always anonymous for all members on the DAO.EU marketplace.

In 2019, 30,000/Mt of dairy product was traded via DAO.EU. In the first two months of this year, 7,025Mt of product has been traded, mainly Gouda, Edam, lactic butter, SMP and SWP feed.

The software company ‘Nuimarkets.com’ launched the DAO.EU marketplace in July 2017.

MPC conditions apply for all concluded trades via the DAO.EU Marketplace. MPC conditions are a set of general trading conditions for the international trade in dairy products. These conditions are established by the Dairy Products Wholesalers Association, based in The Hague, the Netherlands.