“We are proud to welcome milkrite | InterPuls to the DeLaval Group. milkrite | InterPuls is a very successful company with a strong brand and trademark portfolio acknowledged by dairy farmers across the world. milkrite | InterPuls will operate as a stand-alone company in the DeLaval organization although Craig Sage, managing director of milkrite | InterPuls, will report directly to me,” said Joakim Rosengren, president & CEO of DeLaval.
milkrite | InterPuls provides complete milking point solutions to dairy farmers around the world. It will continue its long-term strategy with the same management, organizational set up, brands and channels to market.
“milkrite | InterPuls has been an important part of Avon Rubber for many years, however, the board believes that now is the right time to sell the business. We believe that under new ownership, milkrite | InterPuls will have the opportunity to continue to flourish and grow in the future,” said Paul McDonald, CEO of Avon Rubber.
Avon Rubber is a technology group that designs and produces specialist products and services. It specializes in life critical personal protection systems.
The transaction is subject to clearance from relevant anti-trust authorities.