
What's going down with Doha?

Special edition: Global food trade

What's going down with Doha?

By Jess Halliday

Two weeks ago world leaders extended the deadline on the
beleaguered Doha trade round to the end of this year. Exhortations
not to let the opportunity pass have ensued, but big barriers must
still be overcome before a positive conclusion...

ADM taps into low-carb market

ADM taps into low-carb market

The growing popularity of the low-carb diet among US and UK
consumers is squeezing supplies for speciality ingredients used by
food makers to target this new market and driving ingredients firms
to roll out alternatives. Looking to...

Is organic meat the future?

Is organic meat the future?

Public concern over BSE outbreaks is set to boost sales of organic
meat products in North America, according to a new report. But
North Americans have not historically been as influenced by food
scares as their European counterparts.

Milk vending machine study

Milk vending machine study

US Dairy producers and processors are working together to further
explore the potential of vended milk through an extensive 12- to
15-week multi-channel vending study as part of the Fluid Milk
Strategic Thinking Initiative (FMSTI),...