Cadbury develops timed flavour release confectionery

By Catherine Boal

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Related tags Cadbury adams

Sweet-maker Cadbury Adams could be set to bring new innovation to
market after being awarded a patent to manufacture a many-flavoured
chewable product with different layers and textures.

The chewable confectionery, comprised of a soft tablet core and crunchy outer shell, can release up to three different flavours as it is consumed. Pressed tablet confectionery has proved a difficult area for sweet-makers to tackle as dual flavours are generally released together, meaning the consumer experiences only the predominant flavour or a mixture of complementary tastes. In the present invention, flavours can range from complementary mint, fruit or spicy tones to a mixture of completely opposing tastes. Flavours are released sequentially so each is experienced separately as they dissolve at different rates. The process also allows for breath-freshening flavours and can be modified to create sugar-free products. Current multi-layered confectionery can leave consumer experiencing just one overall texture but Cadbury claim the current invention delivers a soft inner – which can take the form of nougat, gummies, toffee or jelly – surrounded by a thick crunchy outer layer that provide very different textures in the mouth. The patent states: "Accordingly, upon consumption, the confectionery product may impart a varied mouthfeel as the individual user perceives the different textures of the product and as the coating and core textures co-mingle in the mouth." ​ Unlike pellet-style gums, the confectionery may be entirely consumed and is dissolvable in the mouth.

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