Watch: Mille looks beyond Chinese market

By Jim Cornall

- Last updated on GMT

Danish dairy company Mille Food was at the recent SIAL food innovation event in Paris, France, promoting its soon-to-be-launched range of organic infant formula for the European market under the Møko brand.

The company, which was founded in 2012, is based in the coastal community of Hundested, in Zealand, Denmark, is already well established in other markets; its Moko brand is already successful in the Chinese market where its three-product series, approved by the CFDA approval in January 2018, is available in more than 10,000 shops.

Its factory has received Chinese government certification and accreditation, and its products are available in more than 10,000 outlets in the country.

Moko consists of a range of ingredients such as CPP (casein phosphorpeptides), lactoferrin, hydrolyzed whey protein powder, OPO, Bifidobacterium animalis​ (BB-12), lutein and DHA, and has been specifically formulated for the Chinese market. It is produced, sealed and packed in Denmark.

The Moko series consists of three stages divided according to the child’s age and nutritional needs, and is available in 800g cans.

Mille Foods’ BD manager, Jens Giver Pedersen, spoke with DairyReporter at SIAL about the company, its Chinese products, and its expansion into the European organic infant formula market.