Elopak curves up the packaging market

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Leading Norwegian dairy TINE has launched Smak, a range of three
lactose-reduced milks, using Elopak's new Pure-Pak Curve cartons
with Pure-Cap UE screw caps.

These innovative cartons feature a fifth panel to the familiar gable top, which Elopak​ believes helps give a slimmer, more eye-catching appearance.

For its part, TINE has used the new packaging design to provide consumers with clearer information. The fifth panel is used to indicate the flavour of the product and is coloured red, black or brown.

"Smak is a real innovation that answers a specific market need, and will lead a new dairy sector in Norway,"​ said TINE marketing director Anders Røed.

"And for that we need a package that made Smak stand out from the other products on the dairy shelf. Pure-Pak Curve has a totally new look; its this distinctive style that makes a real an impact in-store."

Food manufacturers are increasingly aware that in a visually noisy world, their product must be carefully packaged to appeal to the target audience. It is said that over 80 per cent of consumer decisions are made at the store shelf.

Elopak believes that its curved packaging concept is both eye catching and functional, and what's more, is beginning to take off. TINE is the third company to adopt the packaging concept - in October 2003, Czech dairy Mlékárna Oles caron nice RMD packaged OLE!, a brand of fresh milk, in one litre Pure-Pak cartons.

With the launch of OLE!, Mlékárna made a conscious design decision. The company took the opportunity to launch a new umbrella company logo at the same time, and therefore wanted something visual and new-looking.

In other words, something that would give Mlékárna and its brand a 'leading edge'.

The deal with OLE! was closely followed in November 2003 with the packaging of Ja! Natürlich milk. This organic milk product was introduced by retailer Billa and produced at Pinzgau Dairy in Austria, and again, the company was attracted by the functional yet stylish exterior.

Ingrid Lille Thorsen, marketing co-ordinator for Elopak's carton division, has been responsible for taking the initial market response of Pure-Pak Curve and developing the final launch package.

"The Pure-Pak Curve is a significant development in the history of carton packaging and the two first installations have been a critical stage in its development,"​ she said.

"The Pure-Pak Curve gives manufacturers an added quality feature that is very eye-catching. Consumer tests have proven this, with the Pure-Pak Curve coming out top for consumers for appearance and convenience."

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