SIG launches Heat&Go microwaveable aseptic carton in South Korea
The chickpea drink, containing soy, fruit and vegetables, is sold online through home shopping channels and is being launched in grocery and retail stores as a warm, on-the-go breakfast.
Milk, juice, tea
The drink contains vegetables including cabbage, tomato, broccoli, carrot, apple and banana, blended together in a 200ml combiblocMini microwaveable pack.
Heat&Go is also available for milk, juices, teas, dairy substitutes and functional products.
“Consumers are looking for on-the-go convenience. The Heat&Go pack from SIG opens up new avenues of innovation and helps us market premium nutritional beverages such as our Morning Chickpea drink for new occasions and through new channels,” said Young Lee, head of beverage marketing, SDC.
The carton can be heated up to 60°C but most drinks taste best at around 50°C. There is a fail-safe mechanism in the package, so if the product is overheated in the microwave, excess pressure is released with the gradual opening of the top seal preventing sudden ruptures.
Beverages can be filled in Heat&Go carton packs on standard SIG filling machines with an upgrade so the filler can run standard and aluminum-free materials interchangeably.
Healthy beverages
According to SIG, the beverage industry is changing, with consumers looking for nutritious and healthy beverages that can be easily reheated for on-the-go consumption.
It claims there is also a growth in vending machines and the use of microwaves in the home and office.
“While many drinks are bought from cafés and convenience stores, this packaging opens up a new channel for hot vending and using microwave ovens in the workplace,” SIG said in a statement.