Seven global agricultural projects funded for Venture37

By Beth Newhart

- Last updated on GMT

Land O'Lakes rebranded its non-profit to Venture37 in August. Pic: Land O'Lakes
Land O'Lakes rebranded its non-profit to Venture37 in August. Pic: Land O'Lakes
The non-profit arm of Land O’Lakes has received funding for seven new projects to support dairy productivity, pest management and food safety.

Since rebranding the non-profit to Venture37 in August, Land O’Lakes has been working to strengthen agricultural and food systems in developing nations. Throughout 2019 it has been operating five capacity-building projects in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

It also launched three projects in Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania this year. The funding for the latest projects from USDA and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) is said to span a range of governments, nonprofit and philanthropic leaders.

John Ellenberger, executive director of Venture37, said, “These new projects allow Land O’Lakes Venture37 to continue growing the reach and impact of our work, collaborating with farmers, businesses and local communities to improve food production systems and strengthen economic opportunity.

“We are especially pleased to announce projects that bring together a broad range of funding sources in support of our work, with leading philanthropies joining funders representing the US Government and other foundations across the globe.”

New agricultural developments

AgResults Dairy Productivity Challenge Project (Tanzania)
This program will utilize a Pay-for-Results prize initiative to incentivize the private sector to overcome dairy industry market barriers. This includes investment in innovative research and delivery solutions that improve the lives of smallholder farmers. Venture37 will implement this with support from the governments of Australia, Canada, the UK and the US, along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Integrated Recovery and Resilience Project (Mozambique)

Venture37 will assist farming households in Mozambique’s Sofala and Manica provinces to stabilize household food security following the impact of Cyclone Idai earlier this year. With funding from USAID’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, the project will focus on distributing mixed seed assets to help farmers diversify their crops.

Fall Armyworm Distance Learning (Ghana, Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia)
Venture37 will work to train farmers, extension agents and input suppliers to help improve their efforts in combating Fall Armyworm and other pests, through education on Integrated Pest Management and Good Agronomic Practices. It will be funded by Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa and carried out with private sector affiliate Villa Crop Protection, and will pilot and distribute high-quality learning modules.

Feed the Future Orora Wihaze Activity (Rwanda)
The Orora Wihaze activity, which means Raise Animals for Self-Sufficiency, is working with local partners and the private sector actors to strengthen the animal source foods (ASF) market system. Funded by USAID, this program will address constraints along the ASF value chains and prioritize ASF consumption-related social behavior change activities.

Maharo (Madagascar)
The Maharo project will work to prevent and reduce food insecurity among the most vulnerable households in Madagascar’s Androy and Atsimo Andrefana communities. Funded by USAID’s Food for Peace and led by Catholic Relief Services, Venture37 is a technical partner focused on animal production, animal health and livestock development.

Management of Fall Armyworm in Maize for Smallholder Farmers (Democratic Republic of the Congo)
With funding from USAID and in partnership with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and Villa Crop Protection, Venture37 will aim to build smallholder farmer knowledge to combat the Fall Armyworm in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. This locally driven project will utilize on-farm research to validate solutions, incentivize private sector investment and drive smallholder awareness of Fall Armyworm management strategies.

Trade in Agriculture Safely and Efficiently (East African Communities)
With support from the USDA Foreign Agriculture Service’s Food for Progress program, this effort will build sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) system capacity among the East Africa Community’s (EAC) Partner States and agribusinesses in the region. It will aim to ease SPS related trade barriers regionally and internationally, opening the door to new trade and opportunity in agriculture.

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