Online event

Healthy Beverage Innovation APAC

Healthy Beverage Innovation APAC

The beverage category in APAC is currently a hotbed of innovation as consumers increasingly demand options that are healthier, provide added functionality, are clean label and natural, and contain less sugar. That’s why FoodNavigator-Asia and NutraIngredients-Asia will be shining the spotlight on Healthy Beverage Innovation in APAC in this special Interactive Digital Broadcast. We’ll be highlighting the brands and suppliers that at the forefront of NPD to meet the most pressing consumer demands to create beverages that go far beyond the traditional soda categories. We’ll be assessing how the sector is tapping into the health and wellness trend by adding a host of functional ingredients, from botanicals, probiotics and prebiotics, to protein, vitamins and antioxidants, as well as riding the natural colours wave. Our expert guests will be discussing how to reformulate and innovate by reducing sugar and instead incorporating natural alternatives, while simultaneously maximising taste and mouthfeel. And we’ll drill down into the soaring demand for plant-based beverages and alcohol alternative ‘adult sodas’, as well as looking at how the sector is meeting specific consumer needs spanning a range of health conditions, including digestive health, beauty from within, active and sports nutrition, cognition, stress and sleep, and of course immunity. Last but not least, our interactive panel debate will focus on the scope for new product development, the growth markets in Asia, the opportunity for new research and the marketing and regulatory challenges across the region. If you are targeting the buoyant healthy beverage sector, then this is a must-attend event.

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