White Paper

Innovation, Indulgence, and Sugar Reduction in Frozen Dairy

Format: PDF file | Document type: White Paper | Promoted Content

This content is provided by BioNeutra North America Inc., and any views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of www.dairyreporter.com

Innovation, Indulgence, and Sugar Reduction in Frozen Dairy

This white paper highlights VitaFiber®​ IMO and VitaFiber®​ PLUS, alternative sweeteners by BioNeutra. Effective replacements for sugar in frozen applications, these ingredients have a taste and texture that more closely resemble sugar than high-intensity sweeteners. VitaFiber®​ IMO and VitaFiber®​ PLUS provide bulk and balance to a formulation’s sweetness profile while contributing less than half the calories of sucrose. They are also effective for masking undesirable flavors when blended with high-intensity sweeteners.

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