Animal Welfare

How much freedom should cows have? Image Source: Getty Images/DaydreamsGirl

How much time should dairy cows spend outside?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

To have a fulfilling life, cows arguably must be allowed outside. But what constitutes a ‘free-range’ cow is ambiguous. For optimum welfare, farmers must balance time outdoors and time indoors.

The bill will ban the export of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses for fattening and slaughter. Image Source: Johnny Greig/Getty Images

Exports of livestock for slaughter on the chopping block in UK

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Among the legislation announced alongside the King’s Speech on Tuesday was a ban on the export of UK livestock for fattening and slaughter. The decision, if it gets through Parliament, will have a keen impact on both animal welfare and animal agriculture...

Animal welfare and ethical concerns include the low efficacy of cloning, with high rates of difficult births, neonatal deaths and foetal abnormalities.

MEPs back ban on meat and milk from cloned animals


The European Environment and Agriculture committees backed a draft law to ban meat and milk from cloned animals and their descendants on Wednesday, citing animal welfare and ethical concerns.