Meat and dairy alternatives made from 100% plants don’t hit the mark on taste, texture, and nutrition, suggest cellular agriculture pioneers: “If you don’t deliver on that, go home.”
The western diet – and the food system that underpins it – is becoming increasingly unsustainable, for the health of humans and the planet. So how do we futureproof the food system to deliver healthier, more sustainable products that nourish our bodies...
While much of the press coverage in food tech is devoted to brands making meat, egg, and dairy alternatives, these technologies will only be scalable – and sustainable - if we pay the same level of attention to the enabling technologies underpinning them,...
Unilever will launch a US ice cream delivery pilot in partnership with food tech group Robomart, which describes itself as the ‘world’s first store hailing service’.
An offshoot of the Chobani Incubator program, the Food Tech Residency (FTR) is working with two new dairy startups that have technological solutions to food supply chain challenges.