Health Claims

High-protein is projected to be the fastest growing segment within dairy yogurt this year, with a growth rate of 17.2%, according to Circana. Image: Getty/YelenaYemchuk

High-protein dairy is booming, but how 'healthy' is it?

By Teodora Lyubomirova

Danone has become the latest manufacturer to release a range of high-protein dairy products in the UK. But can high-protein yogurts - that typically contain thickeners, starches and sweeteners - really be considered ‘healthy’?

Bottling it? Probiotic marketing is banned in the EU based on the opinions of 'ill-equipped' experts, according to professor Reid. © iStock

Probiotics expert: 'Disband EFSA' and end destructive category confusion

By Lynda Searby

A leading probiotics academic has called for EFSA to be “disbanded” saying that the effect of the EU’s central food science agency’s treatment of probiotic claims has been “confusion in Europe”, and that the EU could learn from the Canadian approach to...

Jarrow Rogovin calls for probiotics groups to come together to build science and win claims

Live from Probiota 2014

IPA calls for fresh global alliance in probiotics

By Shane Starling in Amsterdam

The founder of the International Probiotics Association (IPA) has called on the Global Alliance for Probiotics (GAP) to work with it to develop the science and dossiers that can win health claims in Europe and elsewhere.

Benecol ahead of Unilever Pro-activ with bone-heart claims?

Benecol ahead of Unilever Pro-activ with bone-heart claims?


Benecol has expanded its plant stanol, cholesterol management-based health offering in the UK by adding vitamins that permit approved EU heart and bone health claims – a move analysts said should resonate with older consumers and give rival pro-activ...

EFSA rejects 6 article 13.5 opinions

EFSA rejects 6 article 13.5 health claim opinions

By Shane Starling

EFSA’s health claims panel has rejected 6 article 13.5 health claims for two digestion-focused probiotic submissions; cranberry and UTI; a potato extract and weight management; krill and menstrual discomfort; and fizzy water and GI response.

Vox pop: December 14 EU health claim deadline

December 14 EU health claims deadline

Stakeholder vox pop: December 14 EU health claim deadline

By Shane Starling

With the December 14 enforcement of the EU's article 13 general function health claim list that includes 200+ approved claims and about 1500 rejections just two days away (after a six month lay-period), we polled key players for core reactions.

Probiotic yogurt makers are reviewing their marketing

Probiotics ban leads to marketing revolution

By Rick Pendrous

Probiotic yogurt brands and supermarket own-label equivalents are leading a revolution in marketing of these products in advance of a ban, which comes into effect in December.

What kind of health claims will be made on the Vitafoods show floor this year?

Vitafoods: EU nutra space wriggles into new health claims clothes

By Shane Starling

Vitafoods celebrates its 15th birthday next week. It’ll be my 11th consecutive May visit to Geneva for the jamboree and promises to be one of the most intriguing chapters with the (partial and belated) resolution of years of ambiguity regarding health...

EFSA health claims panellist edits probiotic claims book

EFSA health claims panellist edits probiotic claims book

By Shane Starling

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) health claim panellist, professor Seppo Salminen, has co-edited a book investigating probiotic science and health claims, with a focus on regional differences.

Trade groups gain long awaited EC health claims hearing

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Trade groups gain long awaited EC health claims hearing

By Stephen Daniells

Europe's leading trade groups are set for a meeting with the European Commission to discuss their concerns over the health claims assessment, and EFSA's reluctance to engage in dialogue.

Life in a European health claims wasteland

Life in a European health claims wasteland

Ka-CHING! Hear that? No it’s not the sound of overflowing cash registers as consumers throw endless wads of euros at scientifically-backed, healthy foods in greater numbers than ever before.

Bad day at the EU health claims office

Bad day at the EU health claims office

October 1 was not a good day for many in the functional foods and food supplements business in the European Union as the meaning of life under a highly restrictive health claims regime came more into focus.