There are some exciting opportunities ahead as the future of packaging knows no bounds, according to Cambridge Design Partnership (CDP), but how can manufacturers tap into this space while taking into consideration the high costs?
The health and wellness aspirations of US consumers will continue to drive demand for spoonable drinkable, and frozen yogurt for the “foreseeable future,” leading market research company, Mintel, has claimed.
The 20-year re-branding period imposed on Nestlé’s newly-acquired Pfizer Nutrition infant formula brands in South Africa will create a “viable competitor” to Nestlé in the long term, the country's Competition Tribunal has claimed.
Danone has recently increased its stakes in both Yakult and
Wimm-Bill-Dann, but claims it currently has no plans for a complete
takeover of either firm.
Posimat, the Spain-based provider of unscrambling and conveyor
logistics solutions, is about to launch its Posimaster Multichute
high-speed bottle line unscrambler at the Hispack show in Barcelona
on 31 March.