Probiotics' anti-cancer potential recognised by French

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French probiotics firm Institut Rosell-Lallemand said it has been
included in a new government initiative to pool research into
cancer prevention and treatment.

France has created 67 competitivity poles, including the new 'Cancer-Bio-Health' pole in the Midi-Pyrénées region, home to Lallemand's French headquarters.

The poles, designed to focus research resources, will share a total of €1.5 billion over three years.

The new Toulouse Canceropole will investigate cancer prevention, mainly through nutrition (including both health-promoting food and food safety), as well as treatment and patient management.

Valérie Delahaye-Sarraute, marketing director at Lallemand, said: "The originality of the Cancer-Bio-Health Competitivity Pole lies in its integrated approach, based not only on diagnostics and therapeutics but also on nutrition as a prominent prevention tool in the fight against cancer."

She noted that there is increasing scientific evidence to show that probiotics may play a role in the prevention and even treatment of some gut inflammatory diseases, which could be related to the onset of certain cancers.

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