All news articles for November 2023

Leucine prevents insulin resistance among inactive women

Leucine prevents insulin resistance among inactive women

By Claudia Adrien

Healthy women who received a high protein diet with a combination of amino acids, leucine, valine and isoleucine, also known as branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), did not experience insulin resistance after being placed in bed rest, according to research...

Plastic bottles' claims to be '100% recycled' and '100% recyclable' are misleading, according to BEUC. Image Source: Yagi Studio/Getty Images

Beverage giants in hot water over plastic bottle recycling claims

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Environmental and consumer rights organisations are taking legal action against Nestlé, Danone, and The Coca-Cola Company, over recyclable claims made about their plastic bottles. They have raised an external alert to both the European Commission and...

The bill will ban the export of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and horses for fattening and slaughter. Image Source: Johnny Greig/Getty Images

Exports of livestock for slaughter on the chopping block in UK

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

Among the legislation announced alongside the King’s Speech on Tuesday was a ban on the export of UK livestock for fattening and slaughter. The decision, if it gets through Parliament, will have a keen impact on both animal welfare and animal agriculture...