The science behind food

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The science behind food

The words clinical trial or scientifically proven on a label carry huge cachet. But behind the claims of scientific evidence, consumers expect a base level of rigour in ensuring thatfood or personal care products actually deliver the benefits they claim.

Ajinomoto invests in R&D

Ajinomoto invests in R&D

Japanese ingredients company Ajinomoto is to open two new food
research and development centres in China and the United States.
The centres are positioned as branches of the company's existing
Food Research and Development Laboratories.

Milk vending machine study

Milk vending machine study

US Dairy producers and processors are working together to further
explore the potential of vended milk through an extensive 12- to
15-week multi-channel vending study as part of the Fluid Milk
Strategic Thinking Initiative (FMSTI),...