
Got a beard? You need dairy products to keep it looking its best, says the Italian dairy association, Assolatte. Photo: iStock - Antonio_Diaz

Feed your beard with dairy

By Jim Cornall

The Italian dairy association, Assolatte, is encouraging fashionable beard maintenance, not with scissors, but with dairy.

EU brain health opportunities in omega-3 and beyond

EU brain health opportunities in omega-3 and beyond

By Diana Cowland

Brain health and memory emerged as a winner from the EU Article 13.1 health claims list as the link between nutrition and cognitive performance strengthens in the scientific literature.

Danone interested in Numico?

Danone interested in Numico?

Dutch nutrition company Numico is struggling to stay afloat at the
moment, but rumours in the Dutch press suggest French dairy giant
Danone could be interested in a bid. An odd choice for the French
company which has been streamlining...