IDF Nutrition and Health Symposium to focus on childhood to ageing populations
The free event for health professionals takes place online on May 12 from 11am to 4pm CEST. The second symposium will present the latest dairy and nutrition research and practice from across the globe. The webinar will discuss dairy for pregnancy, children and adolescents, and healthy ageing.
Public health institutions around the world highlight the importance of investing in health and nutrition during pregnancy and the first 1,000 days of life to help children meet their full potential for growth and development and academic performance. Recent research suggests a need to continue promoting healthy growth and development beyond the age of two and focus on the first 8,000 days to set them up for healthy adulthood. Also, with an increasingly ageing population, it is essential to consider the science that can help develop affordable and quality health services focus on older adults to promote independence and maintain physical, mental and cognitive health.
The symposium will be divided into two sessions for each of these age groups. “Maternal diets and child health: the benefits of dairy consumption” by Professor Ian Givens from the University of Reading, UK, and “The place of dairy in dietary guidelines for young children” by professor Lisanne M. du Plessis from Stellenbosch University, South Africa are two of the presentations that will take place during the first session. “Dairy intake to reduce sarcopenia risk” by Professor Satoshi Fujita, from Ritsumeikan University, Japan, and “Dairy consumption and ageing bones” by Dr Sandra Iuliano from the University of Melbourne, Australia are some of the presentations of the second session.
Attending the event is free, and details on how to reserve your place along with full details of the program can be found at