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Decarbonising Supply Chains at the Source

Decarbonising Supply Chains at the Source


Food majors are under increasing pressure to stamp out irresponsible practices from ingredient supply chains. But voluntary measures have only got the sector so far, and policymakers are stepping in. While Europe races to comply with incoming regulations,...

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Eco-friendly Production from Farm to Fork

Eco-friendly Production from Farm to Fork


Ensuring sustainable nutrition from farm to fork requires significant change. In a bid to champion resource efficiency, the agricultural sector is rethinking farming practices for the 21st century. And it’s not just agtech promising to deliver; food waste...

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State of the Market

State of the Market


The active nutrition industry has seen many micro changes over the last year, largely shaped by consumers’ increasingly holistic approach to health...

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Delivering Through Dairy

Delivering Through Dairy


The dairy industry is ideally positioned, due to the versatility and range of products, to work with producers of novel ingredients to deliver real innovation. We look at what companies can do to incorporate new ingredients and combinations of ingredients...


Creating value added functional ingredients

Creating value added functional ingredients


Many dairy companies and cooperatives have turned to R&D to improve profits, going beyond milk, yogurt and cheese, looking to create functional ingredients that can be added to a wide range of products.


Dairy Innovation 2018

Dairy Innovation 2018


Is the ‘Greek yogurt revolution’ over? What was considered one of the biggest trends in dairy might have been overtaken by yogurt drinks, which, according to Mintel, between 2011 and 2016, grew 62% to reach $893m in sales.

As well as yogurt...


Dairy Innovation

Dairy Innovation


In 2016, according to Mintel data, 30% of dairy product launches were new products, compared to 32% which were range extensions, 30% involved new packaging, 8% were relaunches and 1% was new formulation.

However, creating truly innovative...


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