Perfect Day says animal-free dairy protein uses less water and energy
According to the ISO-certified, third party-validated LCA from WSP, Perfect Day's whey protein production reduces blue water consumption by at least 96% and up to 99%, and non-renewable energy use by at least 29% and up to 60%, compared to conventional production methods for whey protein. This assessment extended the scope of the LCA the company shared in April, which showed Perfect Day's protein production reduces greenhouse gas emissions up to 97%.
"We believe in the power of working together to catalyze the biggest impact on the shortest timeline possible," said Perfect Day CEO and co-founder Ryan Pandya.
"While our mission to create a kinder, greener tomorrow is more critical than ever, I'm energized by this LCA to expand distribution working alongside more partners in more categories to help make this potential impact a reality."
To further this goal of collaborative problem-solving, Perfect Day has added three new advisors to its existing sustainability health & advisory council (SHAC). High schoolers Sofia Sanchez, Sriya Chintalapalli, and Sayyida Rania Hashim join 15-year-old SHAC member Okezue Bell to round out the Council's first "Gen Z Panel." Alongside existing council members, the group will help guide Perfect Day on matters of health and wellness and the environment, all to further the company goal to maximize the good it can do through its impact-driven business model.